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The letter ç is sometimes written ch paio to technical limitations, Sopra analogy to the other digraphs xh, sh, and zh. Usually it is written simply c or more rarely q with context resolving any ambiguities.

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italiano arabo bulgaro catalano ceco cinese coreano creolo haitiano croato danese ebraico estone finlandese francese giapponese greco indonesiano inglese islandese italiano latino lettone lituano norvegese olandese persiano polacco portoghese rumeno russo serbo slovacco sloveno spagnolo svedese tailandese tedesco turco ucraino ungherese vietnamita

Kurz darauf ist er gekommen und ich merkte das etwas nicht stimmte. Er hielt mich an der Hüfte fest und stieß weiter und ich merkte wie mir etwas an den Schenkeln herunter lief. Panisch sprang ich auf und stellte ihn zur Rede. Er meinte nur das er hoffe das er mich erfolgreich geschwängert habe. Ich schmiss ihn sofort raus und versuchte im Bad sein Sperma aus mir herauszubekommen. Es hat aber nicht geholfen. Meine nächste Periode blieb aus und ein Test zeigte das ich schwanger war.

Major work Durante reconstructing Proto-Albanian has been done with the help of knowledge of the original forms of loans from Ancient Greek, Latin and Slavic, while Ancient Greek loanwords are scarce the Latin loanwords are of extreme importance Durante phonology.[118] The presence of loanwords from more well-studied languages from time periods before Albanian was attested, reaching deep back into the Classical Periodo, has been of great use Per mezzo di phonological reconstructions for earlier ancient and medieval forms of Albanian.

Notable words that continue to be attributed to Gothic Durante Albanian by multiple modern sources include:

The next beylerbey was Hayreddin's son Hasan, who assumed the position Per mezzo di 1544. He was a Kouloughli or of mixed origins, as his mother was an Algerian Mooresse.[84] Until 1587 Beylerbeylik of Algiers was governed by Beylerbeys who served terms with voto negativo fixed limits. Subsequently, with the institution of a regular administration, governors with the title of pasha ruled for three-year terms.

The period during which Proto-Albanian and Latin interacted was protracted, lasting from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD.[75] Over this period, the lexical borrowings can be roughly divided into three layers, the second of which is the largest. The first and smallest occurred at the time of less significant interaction. The final period, probably preceding the Slavic or Germanic invasions, also has a notably smaller number of borrowings.

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Secondo esportare i vocaboli nel trainer lessicale, clicca su 'Importa i vocaboli' nella registro dei vocaboli

1905 issue of the magazine Albania, the most important Albanian periodical of the early 20th century

Gradually, dissatisfaction among the Muslim population, which lacked political and economic status under the colonial system, gave rise to demands for greater political autonomy and eventually independence from France. Durante May 1945, the uprising against the occupying French forces was suppressed through what is now known as the Sétif and Guelma massacre. Tensions between the two population groups came to a head Per mezzo di 1954, when the first violent events of what was later called the Algerian War began after the publication of the Declaration of 1 November 1954.

"The river Shkumbin Con central Albania historically forms the boundary between those two dialects, with the population on the north speaking varieties of Geg and the population on the south varieties of Tosk."

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